Thursday, November 13, 2008

in my other life I'm a personal trainer

I am an avid devotee of Real Simple. Today their topics made me especially excited - they posted a few videos of quick and easy workouts to do at home - that only take 15 minutes! Now, I love to exercise as much as the next gal (she likes to, right?), but sometimes there's. just. no. time. between lawyering and blogging and pre-cana'ing and living, etc.

These routines look interesting and doable - I'm excited to try them, though, I confess, I am a visual learner, and I wish Real Simple offered a link to where you could print out pix of the exercises to follow along with while you workout...

There's also a How To: Do a 5-Minute Workout if fifteen minutes is just too tiring...

1 comment:

Personal Trainer Network said...

I would like to acknowledgment for creating this absorbing blog, because its accepting the acceptable entertainment.