Friday, November 14, 2008


Last night when he arrived home, one of the first things out of The Fiancé's mouth was "So what's this deal with Jennifer Aniston saying something about Angelina Jolie?"

With the exception of our mutual love of The Hills, it's safe to say I am the celebrity gossip whore, whereas The Fiancé, by contrast, would rather spend his time studying the macroeconomics of developing nations.

Thus, upon his inquiry (literally five minutes after opening the door!), two things were reinforced in my heart: (1) I love him; and (2) The fact that this tidbit of celebrity gossip has penetrated his pop-culture awareness means this. is. really. big. news.

And, upon further reflection (I had a long ride on the train this morning...), I've concluded that it should be. I, for one, entirely agree with Ms. Aniston. The poor dear had her man stolen right out from under her, and if that weren't enough, she has to see him parade his brood of children around the world with his new love on every magazine, and, has to read about how he fell in love...with someone else... while he was still married to her! ["Uncool" is not the first word that comes to my mind...]

I recall reading (years ago...) that Brad and Jen (when they were married) said something about not believing that any relationship is meant to last forever. In their [humble, yet studied] opinion, one should just enjoy the moment, for time and love and sentiments can change. They didn't know if they'd be together forever. But they figured they were meant for each other at that particular time in their lives.


I've been around long enough to know that everyone does, and everyone should, have differing opinions on romantic love. Nonetheless, I can say that I am thankful for two things: One, that I have found someone who is as scandalized by this very public conversation between Jen and Angie as I am, largely because of his (and thus, our) opinions on love; and

Two, and more importantly, that I have found someone that shares my belief that there is such a thing as a soul mate. And when you find them, you promise to each other to not only love one another for the particular time period, but interminably into the future.

1 comment:

AmyJean {Relentless Bride®} said...

I am in complete agreement with you on the whole Brangelina v. Jen thing. I mean, what is meant to be is meant to be, but there's a proper way to go about it. And i also read that Brad was mad that Jen said it "was uncool." Please, if it were me, i'm sure many other words would have flown out of my mouth on top of "uncool".... especially when Brangelina have their deal with the paps to take certain ideal family pics of them. I mean, does anybody ever wonder how self mutilating, blood vial wearing angelina is now thought of as this humanitarian? She knows how to work the media!

And i'm not hating on Brangelina either, just saying... "uncool" is putting it mildly and no one should fault her for that. b/c in reality it was "uncool."

Ok, and to the rest of your post...i agree. I do believe in soul mates, and i do believe in true love forever... perhaps not everybody is meant to have one, who knows... all i know is, you and me are very similar (i love celebrity gossip) and our FH's are very similar (mine could care less too most of the time) and i think we are both pretty darn lucky to have found them :)

Ps sorry this was so long... celebrity talk does that to me ;)