Sunday, November 2, 2008

food as enemy #1

So, I'm trying to be healthy this week. Well, I'm trying to be healthier as a matter of course, but this week in particular because on Saturday (seven days from today), I have a weigh in at my personal trainer's. No, I am not the next welterweight champion. I'm just a bride, trying to get in shape [with the help of an extravagant but priceless - if one can be both - assistant, i.e., the personal trainer). If I were self-motivated, I would not have to pay some one to tell me to work out more and eat less. But. I am not. So those in desperate times must take desperate measures.

All that being said, the experience has been a good one. I do feel better. I can run 40 minutes without being short of breath, and power through 20 push-ups (the real kind, not the girlie-on-your-knees-kind) without too much effort. I've changed gyms to one that's a mere block from my office and therefore unable to avoid. I've bought a bosu. Yep, my very own. And PowerBlock weights. And a jump rope (which, I confess, sadly I actually didn't really know how to use four months ago... that whole both-feet-off-the-ground-at-once thing was troubling...but the obstacle was surmountable and now I'm a jumping whiz...for 30 seconds at a time or so...) And, more importantly, I actually use all of the above several times a week. Yes, this surprises even me.

The harder thing, for me, is not the exercise, it's the eating. Try as I might to be a better eater, I find the task not just daunting, but outright impossible. As part of this Weigh In '08, the trainer provided me and my work out buddy [read: friend I roped into doing this with me] with logs to record what we eat each day. I've done this before, and I get it. When forced to write something down, You're forced to think about it. Do You really want to eat that cookie when You have to tell someone else about it? In theory, it works for me, for a time. That time [that it utterly ceases to work] is from about 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.... during which, I suddenly become incapable of ceasing the mad devouring of food... the log becomes a litany of snacks, adding up into one huge tummy ache and a feeling of defeat. My typical daily log reads something like this:

7:00 a.m. - oatmeal [I am so healthy! Yeah, me!]
8:00 - coffee [must have addiction... it's fat free]
9:50 - granola bar [still on a roll...]
11:30 - handful of almonds [so, I can have as many of these as I want, right?]
12:30 - soup & half-sandwich [I miss pizza.]
2:45 - box of raisins and some more almonds [healthy healthy healthy]
5:00 - apple [yum. *sarcasm*]
6-7:00 - Work-out [I rock.]
7:30 - salad w/grilled chicken [still on work-out high]
8:00 - pretzels w/hummus [damn, salad did not satisfy...]
8:15 - bowl of Special K [still just a little bit hungry...]
8:25 - grapes [must. fight. hungry. feeling.]
8:35 - Halloween candy [WILL THIS HUNGER NEVER CEASE?!?!]
8:45 - cookie dough ice cream... [screw it, I worked out today]
9:30 - glass of red wine [I am never going to overcome my inner calorie demons]
10:00 - glass of Bailey's Irish cream [oh, You're having one, Honey? Okay, I will too...]

ARGH! And thus the cycle repeats itself. Every day. And I wonder why I just can't reach that picture I've drawn in my mind of what I could look like, if only I were better able to fight the Food Demons that live in my pantry. Does anyone else wage this same battle with The Evil Pantry?!

On that note, I better go for a run now... to offset the calorie intake I'm sure will ensue later today...


AmyJean {Relentless Bride®} said...

I am so impressed with your workout regime. i've been slacking so much. I want to start running (but i've never really been able to) but one step at a time... you are doing great, so don't be too hard on yourself and take it one food decision at a time :)

Anonymous said...

HeeHee -- this totally sounds like me... I start out strong (spinac smoothie for breakfast!!) and end up rationalizing with myself (dude, cookie dough for dinner is totally okay since I did pilates for 2 hours today!) Such a bad cycle...At least you run - I wish I could get my lazy butt running!!


Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog! Your workout/eating plan sounds intense. I wish I were better about mine. I just bought the 30 day shred video and am getting ready to try that. I agree with grograinbride that I totally rationalize bad habits!

When are you getting married?

I'm adding you to my blog list. Please add me to yours if you don't mind. :)

Amanda said...

Impressive. Even with the little cheats at the end of the day, it sounds like you workout enough to deserve them!

Melinda said...

I also believe that working out makes it okay to eat ice cream, oddly my stomach is not getting smaller! I think as soon as you tell yourself you can't have something the more you want it!