Thursday, October 9, 2008

project wedding!

Last night on Bravo was a bride's dream...Not only was it the first of two finalé episodes of Project Runway [best. show. ever], but the competitors were charged with designing a wedding gown AND a bridesmaid dress [*squeal of joy*].

[An aside: If you haven't watched Project Runway, this season especially, I'm not sure we can be friends. But, anyway, we'll move on...]

To date, Korto has been my favorite this season... thus, I was insanely disappointed that she came up with these sad little brown numbers for her dresses... ew. I was expecting something much more from my reality-tv-crush. Thank the Lord she survived to show her collection next week, but looking at these dresses, I'm not entirely sure she should have...

Next was Leanne, who frankly annoys the crap out of me, but this episode, I must confess her dresses were spectacular. I mean, I would actually wear them. Both. A couple times. *Love* Sadly, I couldn't find a nice pic of her bridesmaid dress online, but take my word that it was darling (though a bit of a crap color, but we'll let that one slide). The wedding gown was re-donk-u-lous:

Then. There was Kenley. I can authoritatively say if I knew her in real life, we would not be friends. This child is just too mean for words sometimes. And lacking of any graciousness [she said, "I know," when Tim complimented her apartment. The normal person would say "Thank you."]. But, whatever. Her designs last night rocked my little wedding world. I would never wear them [see, Leanne, above, for what I would wear...], but there was no arguing with the fact that her stuff was stunning. Stunning. Who cares if she ripped off Alexander McQueen. In my opinion, her stuff was better. And look at that darling bridesmaid dress. *sigh*

Last (and least), there was Jerell. Oh, Jerell. He wants to channel Austin Scarlett, I think. Sadly, he does not. Flowers on the head?! Really??? His dresses could be amazing... but in the end I think they just look sloppy. Would You ever make your bridesmaid wear that wrinkly little mess of green?!
Which, in the end, is why Jerell checked out last night. Anyway, given this wedding diversion, I can hardly wait for next week's finalé part deux... How can you top a feather wedding gown, after all?!

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