Thursday, October 23, 2008

serenity now

In stark contrast to yesterday's post [I never said I wasn't a whole host of contradictions], today I stumbled across a delightful little blog examining the ways in which we can simplify our life and our style.

I adore the author's perspective (and her photos), especially her most recent post, wherein she highlights the upside [yes, there is one!] to the current home crisis:
"Hard times make houses into homes. I’m hoping we’ll see less of city banker style: perfectly good houses extended and interior designed to death and then sold on to make big fat profits. Bring on the recession. Houses are reverting from assets to homes: they have skips outside because owners are staying put instead of making a fast buck and moving on."
I can't wait to create a home with The Fiancé, rather than just simply buy a house, though I confess that in the beginning of the process, the line between the two is frighteningly thin and hard to draw...

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