Friday, September 12, 2008


i recently asked my dear friend if her soon-to-be-four year old daughter would be our flower girl. she seemed touched (and horrified) at the invitation. I immediately began the search for dresses, now that I had a vision of the child to dress up. Upon discovery of this little number:


I shrieked (literally) with unadulterated glee. TULLE TULLE so much lovely tulle! Can't You just SEE a little girl twirling around in this all night?! Blinded by my excitement, I committed a recurring error: I showed the pic to The Fiancé. Must. Stop. Doing. That. Because he didn't like it. I hope he doesn't continue to have opinions [read: that conflict with mine].

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did love "the Godchild" onesie. And you.